Genshin Impact Yoimiya Build

Main DPS
Yoimiya Upgrade Materials

Yoimiya Best Artifacts

Shimenawa’s Reminiscence

Crimson Witch of Flames

Gilded Dreams

Echoes of an Offering

Shimenawa’s Reminiscence

Crimson Witch of Flames
Yoimiya Best Weapons

Thundering Pulse


Aqua Simulacra

Polar Star

Yoimiya Artifacts Desc
In the current meta, the best artifact set for Yoimiya is Shimenawa’s Reminiscence. Its 2-piece set bonus increases ATK by up to 15% and boosts Elemental Skill damage. If you’re below Level 45, you might consider using either the Martial Artist or Resolution of Sojourner artifact sets, both of which are 4-star options. In this build, we’ve listed a few other 5-star artifacts like Crimson Witch of Flames, which provides Pyro DMG Bonus, Gilded Dreams, or you can consider Echoes of an Offering.
Yoimiya Weapons Desc
To increase Yoimiya’s CRIT DMG and basic ATK, the best weapon is Thundering Pulse, which provides a significant buff. However, since many players may not have access to this weapon, you can consider a 4-star weapon like Rust R5. Rust increases ATK damage and pairs well with Yoimiya. Alternatively, you could go with Aqua Simulacrum or Polar Star, but if you have Rust available, it should be your first choice. If none of these weapons are available, you should opt for the 3-star weapon Slingshot for now.
Yoimiya Main Stats
Sands: ATK%
Goblet: Pyro DMG
Circlet: Crit DMG / Crit Rate
Yoimiya Substats
Crit Rate / DMG
Elemental Mastery
Yoimiya Talent Priority
Normal Attack
Elemental Skill
Elemental Burst
Yoimiya Rotation Skill
Elemental Skill
Elemental Burst
Repeat Again
In combat with Yoimiya, start by initiating the attack with her Elemental Skill on the enemy. Afterward, switch to your sub DPS character to deal damage. Then, switch back to Yoimiya and activate her Elemental Burst. If healing is needed, switch to a support character; otherwise, repeat this process as necessary.
Yoimiya Overview
Yoimiya is a 5-star Pyro character in Genshin Impact who uses bow-type weapons. She is known for her strong abilities, and her normal attack includes jumping and attacking twice, dealing Pyro damage. During her normal attacks, she can increase Pyro damage by up to 2%.
During her special charged attack, Yoimiya can shoot up to 3 extra tiny arrows simultaneously, dealing heavy damage to enemies. While her charged attack may not be as strong as her basic attacks, it still holds significance in battle and should be considered as part of her skillset. If you use Yoimiya’s Burst, your team will receive an extra 10% attack buff, and for each stack, you’ll gain an additional 1% attack buff. However, after using her Burst, Yoimiya’s damage output might decrease.
Yoimiya Best Team
Yoimiya Overvape Team
Yoimiya Mono-Pyro Team
Yoimiya Video Guide
Yoimiya Video Guide by Braxophone
Yoimiya Talents

Normal Attack
Firework Flare-Up
Normal Attack
She fires up to five consecutive shots with her bow.
Charged Attack
She performs a precise Aimed Shot with enhanced damage. While aiming, flames gather on the arrowhead before being released as an attack.
The effect varies based on the charge level:
Charge Level 1: Shoots a flaming arrow that inflicts Pyro DMG.
Charge Level 2: Generates up to 3 Kindling Arrows depending on the charge time, releasing them during the Aimed Shot. These Kindling Arrows automatically target nearby enemies, dealing Pyro DMG upon impact.
Plunging Attack
She launches a volley of arrows into the air, which rain down and strike the ground, causing AoE DMG upon impact.

Elemental Skill
Niwabi Fire-Dance
Yoimiya waves a sparkler, creating a ring of saltpeter that surrounds her.
Niwabi Enshou
While active, Yoimiya’s Normal Attack fires Blazing Arrows, increasing their damage and converting it to Pyro DMG. However, during this period, the Charge Level 2 of her Normal Attack: Firework Flare-Up will not generate Kindling Arrows.
This effect ends when Yoimiya switches out of the field.

Elemental Burst
Ryuukin Saxifrage
Yoimiya leaps into the air with “Ryuukin Saxifrage,” firing blazing rockets that deal AoE Pyro DMG and apply Aurous Blaze to one enemy. Attacks from any party member hitting a marked enemy trigger Pyro explosions. If the marked enemy is defeated, Aurous Blaze passes to another nearby enemy, maintaining the remaining duration. One Aurous Blaze explosion can occur every 2 seconds. Aurous Blaze effects from Yoimiya’s skills deactivate if she is incapacitated.
Yoimiya Passive Skills

Ascension Passive
Tricks of the Trouble-Maker
While performing Niwabi Fire-Dance, each shot Yoimiya fires with her Normal Attack boosts her Pyro DMG Bonus by 2% upon impact. This effect lasts for 3 seconds and can stack up to 10 times.

Ascension Passive
Summer Night’s Dawn
When Yoimiya uses Ryuukin Saxifrage, nearby party members (excluding Yoimiya herself) gain a 10% ATK increase for 15 seconds. Furthermore, an additional ATK bonus is applied based on the number of “Tricks of the Trouble-Maker” stacks Yoimiya has. Each stack increases this ATK bonus by 1%.

Utility Passive
Blazing Match
When Yoimiya crafts Decoration, Ornament, and Landscape-type furnishings, she always receives a 100% material refund.
Yoimiya Constellation

Agate Ryuukin
The Aurous Blaze triggered by Ryuukin Saxifrage lasts an additional 4 seconds. Moreover, defeating an enemy affected by Aurous Blaze grants Yoimiya a 20% ATK increase for 20 seconds.

A Procession of Bonfires
When Yoimiya scores a CRIT hit with her Pyro damage, she gains a 25% Pyro damage bonus for 6 seconds. This effect can activate even when Yoimiya is not currently in play.

Trickster’s Flare
This talent upgrade increases the level of Niwabi Fire-Dance by 3, with a maximum upgrade level capped at 15.

Pyrotechnic Professional
When Yoimiya’s Aurous Blaze triggers an explosion, Niwabi Fire-Dance’s cooldown is reduced by 1.2 seconds.

A Summer Festival’s Eve
This talent upgrade increases the level of Ryuukin Saxifrage by 3, with the maximum upgrade level capped at 15.

Naganohara Meteor Swarm
During Niwabi Fire-Dance, Yoimiya’s Normal Attacks have a 50% chance to shoot an additional Kindling Arrow that deals 60% of its original damage. This damage is classified as Normal Attack damage.
Yoimiya Ascension Material Cost