Genshin Impact Xiao Build

Main DPS
Xiao Upgrade Materials
Xiao Best Artifacts

Vermillion Hereafter

Marechaussee Hunter

Viridescent Venerer

Gladiator’s Finale

Vermillion Hereafter

Shimenawa’s Reminiscence


Brave Heart
Xiao Best Weapons

Primordial Jade Winged-Spear

Staff of Homa

Calamity Queller


Blackcliff Pole
Xiao Artifacts Desc
For Xiao, the best artifact set is the 4-piece Viridescent Venerer. This set provides Anemo DMG Bonus and increases Swirl DMG. The 4-piece Martial Artist artifact set is indeed a great choice for Xiao. It boosts his Normal and Charged Attack DMG, and also increases his Burst DMG after using his Elemental Skill. Additionally, you can consider mixing 2 pieces of Viridescent Venerer with 2 pieces of Gladiator’s Finale for Xiao.
Xiao Weapons Desc
For Xiao, the overall best weapon is the 5-star Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, which provides high base ATK along with a slight boost to Crit Rate, along with ATK% or damage bonuses. If you need an alternative to this weapon, the best option is the Staff of Homa, which offers similar stats but focuses more on Crit DMG.
There are other options available as well, such as the 5-star Calamity Queller and the 4-star weapons Deathmatch and Blackcliff Pole. These weapons can provide different stat bonuses depending on your specific needs for Xiao’s build.
Xiao Main Stats
Sands: ATK%
Goblet: Anemo DMG
Circlet: Crit Rate / Crit DMG
Xiao Substats
Crit Rate / Crit DMG
Energy Recharge
Xiao Talent Priority
Normal Attack
Elemental Burst
Elemental Skill
Xiao Rotation Skill
Normal Attack
Elemental Skill
Elemental Burst
Switch to Party Members
Repeat Again
Xiao’s playstyle rotation is quite straightforward. Start the battle with normal attacks, then use his Elemental Skill, followed by activating Elemental Burst for a high-jump attack. The effectiveness depends on whether the high-jump or mid-jump attack is more impactful.
It’s important to focus more on his Elemental Skill because it aids in energy generation.
Continue cycling through these steps: Normal Attack → Elemental Skill → Elemental Burst → Switch to Party Members.
Xiao Overview
In Genshin Impact, Xiao is an Anemo element character who wields polearm-type weapons. His Elemental Skill, Lemniscatic Wind Cycling, deals Anemo damage to enemies quite rapidly. This skill is particularly effective against small enemies.
It wouldn’t be wrong to say that his Elemental Skill works similar to a dash attack. It generates 2 particles and has 2 charges, which help in generating his energy.
When his Burst skill, Bane of All Evil, is triggered, Xiao dons the Yaksha mask and performs a high-jump attack on enemies, dealing punch damage that converts to Anemo damage. However, during this stage, he is unable to generate energy.
Compared to Whirlwind Thrust and Lemniscatic Wind Cycling, Xiao’s Bane of All Evil inflicts significantly higher Anemo damage on enemies, but it also causes him to lose HP. Triggering his Burst skill after using his normal attacks and Elemental Skill increases the probability of dealing even greater damage to enemies.
Xiao Best Team
1. Double Anemo & Geo Team
Xiao’s team composition includes 2 Anemo characters and 2 Geo characters, with a primary focus on support abilities and damage. This setup is designed to mitigate Xiao’s significant HP loss during battles. Having Anemo characters in the team can provide additional Elemental Resonance benefits, such as decreased stamina consumption and increased movement speed, which can aid Xiao in maintaining his mobility and positioning during combat.
Main DPS
2. Xiao Premium Teams
Main DPS








Xiao Video Guide
Xiao Talents

Normal Attack
Dance of Samser
Normal Attack
Xiao performs up to 6 consecutive spear strikes in a row.
Charged Attack
Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to perform an upward thrust attack.
Plunging Attack
From mid-air, Xiao plunges down to strike the ground, dealing area-of-effect (AoE) damage to opponents along the path and upon impact. Xiao does not take damage from performing Plunging Attacks.

Elemental Skill
Lemniscatic Wind Cycling
Xiao lunges forward, dealing Anemo DMG to opponents in his path.
Can be used in mid-air.
Starts with 2 charges.

Elemental Burst
Bane of All Evil
Xiao dons the Yaksha Mask, a relic that once struck fear into gods and demons alike millennia ago.
Yaksha’s Mask:
Greatly enhances Xiao’s jumping ability.
Increases his attack AoE (Area of Effect) and attack damage.
Converts attack damage into Anemo DMG, which cannot be altered by any other elemental infusion.
While in this state, Xiao continuously loses HP. The effects of this skill persist until Xiao exits the field.
Xiao Passive Skills

Ascension Passive
Conqueror of Evil: Tamer of Demons
While under the effects of Bane of All Evil, all DMG dealt by Xiao increases by 5%. DMG increases by a further 5% for every 3s the ability persists.
The maximum DMG Bonus is 25%.

Ascension Passive
Dissolution Eon: Heaven Fall
Using Lemniscatic Wind Cycling increases the DMG of subsequent uses of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling by 15%. This effect lasts for 7s, and has a maximum of 3 stacks. Gaining a new stack refreshes the effect’s duration.

Utility Passive
Transcension: Gravity Defier
Decreases climbing Stamina consumption for your own party members by 20%.
Not stackable with Passive Talents that provide the exact same effects.
Xiao Constellation

Dissolution Eon: Destroyer of Worlds
Increases Lemniscatic Wind Cycling’s charges by 1.

Annihilation Eon: Blossom of Kaleidos
When in the party and not on the field, Xiao’s Energy Recharge is increased by 25%.

Conqueror of Evil: Wrath Deity
Increases the Level of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Transcension: Extinction of Suffering
When Xiao’s HP falls below 50%, he gains a 100% DEF Bonus.

Evolution Eon: Origin of Ignorance
Increases the Level of Bane of All Evil by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.

Conqueror of Evil: Guardian Yaksha
While under the effects of Bane of All Evil, hitting at least 2 opponents with Xiao’s Plunging Attack will immediately grant him 1 charge of Lemniscatic Wind Cycling, and for the next 1s, he may use Lemniscatic Wind Cycling while ignoring its CD.
Xiao Ascension Material Cost

Xiao Talent Material Cost