Genshin Impact Sigewinne Build

Sigewinne Upgrade Materials
Sigewinne Best Artifacts

Ocean-Hued Clam

Song of Days Past

Tenacity of the Millelith

The Exile

Tenacity of the Millelith

Vourukasha’s Glow
Sigewinne Best Weapons

Silvershower Heartstrings

Aqua Simulacra

Sacrificial Bow

Favonius Warbow

Recurve Bow
Sigewinne Artifacts Desc
The best artifact for Sigewinne is the Ocean-Hued Clam. Its 2-piece set gives a 15% healing bonus, and with the 4-piece set, it not only helps heal teammates but also proves useful in attacking enemies. Additionally, it aids in maximizing HP. Players who lack the Ocean-Hued Clam can choose the 5-star artifact Song of Days Past as an alternative. Alternatively, they might consider Tenacity of the Millelith to boost HP. If no 5-star artifacts are available, they can opt for the 4-star artifact set The Exile (4-piece). This set allows Elemental Burst to regenerate energy for all party members.
Sigewinne Weapons Desc
We considered Silvershower Heartstrings as the best weapon for Sigewinne because its basic ATK and HP% stats are impressive. This can help Sigewinne support her party members with HP recovery. Additionally, her ability Bond of Life allows her to heal party members. Using the Aqua Simulacra weapon for increasing CRIT DMG would be the best choice because it also helps in increasing HP. Among the 4-star weapons, you can choose either the Sacrificial Bow or the Favonius Warbow based on your playstyle. For Free-to-Play players, we’ve included the Recurve Bow in this build.
Sigewinne Main Stats
Sands: HP%
Goblet: HP%
Circlet: Healing Bonus
Sigewinne Substats
Energy Recharge
Crit Rate / Crit DMG
Sigewinne Talent Priority
Normal Attack
Elemental Skill
Elemental Burst
Sigewinne Rotation Skill
Elemental Skill
Main DPS
Switch to Sigewinne
Elemental Burst
Repeat Again
To support party members and defeat enemies effectively with Sigewinne, follow this rotation:
Begin with Sigewinne’s Elemental Skill to apply debuffs or set up elemental reactions on enemies.
After using Sigewinne’s Elemental Skill, switch to your main DPS or sub DPS character to deal damage.
Once it’s available, switch back to Sigewinne and activate her Elemental Burst to heal party members and provide support.
After using Elemental Burst, continue with Sigewinne’s normal attacks to build energy and maintain pressure on enemies.
Continue cycling through these steps: Elemental Skill → Switch to DPS → Elemental Burst → Normal Attacks.
Sigewinne Overview
Sigewinne is a 5-star Hydro character in Genshin Impact who primarily supports her party members. Her charged attack increases damage against enemies when aimed with an arrow. One notable aspect is that her basic attack isn’t as effective as her elemental skill, but her elemental burst is powerful compared to her other skills. She attacks enemies with a syringe, dealing massive AoE Hydro damage.
Sigewinne Best Team
Sigewinne Talents

Normal Attack
Targeted Treatment
Normal Attack
Sigewinne performs up to 3 consecutive attacks.
Charged Attack
Sigewinne performs a more precise Aimed Shot with increased DMG.
While aiming, Hydro power accumulates on the arrow. After fully charging, Sigewinne periodically fires slow-moving Mini-Stration Bubbles towards the target, dealing Hydro DMG. Upon release, the arrow imbued with torrential energy deals Hydro DMG to the opponent hit.
Plunging Attack
Sigewinne fires a shower of arrows in mid-air, dealing AoE DMG upon landing.

Elemental Skill
Rebound Hydrotherapy
Sigewinne deploys a Bolstering Bubblebalm from her specially crafted bubblegun. It bounces between nearby opponents, dealing Hydro DMG based on Sigewinne’s max HP. Each bounce also restores HP to nearby party members (excluding Sigewinne) based on her max HP. After 5 bounces, it disappears and heals Sigewinne based on her max HP. If no opponents are present, it bounces nearby. Only one Bolstering Bubblebalm can exist at a time. Holding it can enlarge its size for added effect.
Activate Aiming Mode to initiate the creation of an even larger Bolstering Bubblebalm! Holding the skill longer enlarges it up to two tiers in size, increasing its damage and healing by 5% per tier. As the Bolstering Bubblebalm bounces, it decreases in size with each bounce until it returns to its normal size.
Upon hitting weaker opponents, the big Bolstering Bubblebalms can immobilize them.
Additionally, using this skill generates 2 Sourcewater Droplets near Sigewinne. Each Sourcewater Droplet collected provides a Bond of Life equivalent to 10% of Sigewinne’s Max HP. When Sigewinne’s Bond of Life is consumed, she regains 1 Elemental Energy for every 2,000 HP of the Bond of Life cleared, up to a maximum of 5 Elemental Energy.
Arkhe: Ousia
Bolstering Bubblebalms periodically summon a Surging Blade to the location they impact, dealing Hydro damage aligned with Ousia and based on Sigewinne’s maximum HP.

Elemental Burst
Super Saturated Syringing
Sigewinne wields a unique syringe from the Fortress of Meropide, releasing waves of healing and medicine in front of her to inflict AoE Hydro DMG based on her max HP. Additionally, when she uses this skill, Sigewinne absorbs up to 2 nearby Sourcewater Droplets within range.
Sigewinne Passive Skills

Ascension Passive
Requires Appropriate Rest
After using Rebound Hydrotherapy, Sigewinne gains the “Semi-Strict Bedrest” effect for 18s, boosting her Hydro DMG by 8% and granting 10 stacks of Convalescence. When nearby off-field party members’ Elemental Skills deal damage, each instance consumes 1 stack of Convalescence, increasing the damage by up to 2,800 based on Sigewinne’s Max HP above 30,000.

Ascension Passive
Detailed Diagnosis, Thorough Treatment
When Sigewinne heals, the amount healed increases based on the total value of Bonds of Life across all party members. For every 1,000 HP worth of Bonds of Life, the outgoing healing is boosted by 3%. This effect can enhance healing by up to 30%.

Utility Passive
Emergency Dose
While underwater, when the active character’s HP drops below 50%, they will be healed over 2.5 seconds for an amount equal to 50% of their Max HP. However, their All Elemental and Physical Resistance will be reduced by 10% for 10 seconds. This healing effect can be activated once every 20 seconds.
Sigewinne Constellation

Can the Happiest of Spirits Understand Anxiety?
Rebound Hydrotherapy’s Bolstering Bubblebalm gains the ability to bounce 3 additional times, and the first 3 bounces do not reduce its size.
The Passive Talent “Requires Appropriate Rest” is enhanced: Each bounce of the Bubblebalm adds 1 stack to Sigewinne’s Convalescence count. The DMG bonus for Convalescence stacks is adjusted as follows: For every 1,000 max HP Sigewinne has above 30,000, the damage is increased by 100. The maximum damage increase for Elemental Skills through this effect is capped at 3,500. This enhancement requires unlocking the Passive Talent “Requires Appropriate Rest” first.

Can the Most Merciful of Spirits Defeat Its Foes?
In the game, Sigewinne employs Rebound Hydrotherapy and Super Saturated Syringing to create a Bubbly Shield equal to 30% of her Max HP, which absorbs Hydro damage at 250% efficiency. This shield remains active until Sigewinne completes her relevant skills.
Moreover, when Bolstering Bubblebalm or Super Saturated Syringing hits an enemy, their Hydro resistance drops by 35% for 8 seconds. These abilities enhance Sigewinne’s defensive capabilities and debuff enemies, making her a formidable force in battles involving Hydro elements.

Can the Healthiest of Spirits Cure Fevers?
Increasing the Level of Rebound Hydrotherapy by 3 raises its maximum upgrade level to 15.

Can the Loveliest of Spirits Keep Decay at Bay?
The duration of Super Saturated Syringing is extended by 3 seconds.

Can the Most Joyful of Spirits Alleviate Agony?
Increasing the Level of Super Saturated Syringing by 3 raises its maximum upgrade level to 15.

Can the Most Radiant of Spirits Pray For Me?
When Sigewinne performs healing, she increases the CRIT Rate and CRIT DMG of her Super Saturated Syringing based on her Max HP. Specifically, every 1,000 Max HP increases CRIT Rate by 0.4% and CRIT DMG by 2.2% for 15 seconds. The maximum possible increase through this effect is 20% CRIT Rate and 110% CRIT DMG.
Sigewinne Ascension Material Cost

Sigewinne Talent Material Cost